Alexandra is the feminization of Alexander and traces its origins back to ancient Greece meaning "defender of man". The feminine means "protector of man" and was an epithet given to the Greek goddess Hera. Perhaps the most famous Alexandra was the ill-fated Tsarina Alexandra, executed with her family in 1918.
Alexandra is the feminization of Alexander and traces its origins back to ancient Greece meaning "defender of man". The feminine means "protector of man" and was an epithet given to the Greek goddess Hera. Perhaps the most famous Alexandra was the ill-fated Tsarina Alexandra, executed with her family in 1918.
Alexandra is the feminization of Alexander and traces its origins back to ancient Greece meaning "defender of man". The feminine means "protector of man" and was an epithet given to the Greek goddess Hera. Perhaps the most famous Alexandra was the ill-fated Tsarina Alexandra, executed with her family in 1918.
Alexandra is the feminization of Alexander and traces its origins back to ancient Greece meaning "defender of man". The feminine means "protector of man" and was an epithet given to the Greek goddess Hera. Perhaps the most famous Alexandra was the ill-fated Tsarina Alexandra, executed with her family in 1918.