Baby Name Roulette - August

August traces its origins to Teutonic Germanic with roots in Latin (Augustus) meaning "venerated". Far from popular, August is slowly but surely on the rise as a baby name for a boy in English-speaking cultures and makes a great name for new parents looking for a more unique moniker for a son born in August.

August Name Meaning: Revered and exalted; venerated.
Gender: Male
Pronounced: AW-gust
Origin: Teutonic / Roman
August Variations: Auggie / Augie
Famous Augusts:
August Wilson
August Diehl
August Strindberg
Name Meaning August August Name Meaning Baby Name Meaning August August Baby Name Meaning

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Baby Name Roulette


Revered and exalted; venerated.


Gender: Male
Pronounced: AW-gust
Origin: Teutonic / Roman

August traces its origins to Teutonic Germanic with roots in Latin (Augustus) meaning "venerated". Far from popular, August is slowly but surely on the rise as a baby name for a boy in English-speaking cultures and makes a great name for new parents looking for a more unique moniker for a son born in August.

August Variations:
Auggie / Augie
Famous Augusts:
August Wilson
August Diehl
August Strindberg

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