Baby Name Roulette - Brooks

Brooks traces back to olde English as a surname Brook, denoting a person living near a brook or a stream. Brooks is fairly uncommon as a name choice in North America however, with a number of professional athletes sharing the name, it might just be the ideal sporty name for a future athlete.

Brooks Name Meaning: One living near a brook or stream.
Gender: Male
Pronounced: BRUWKS
Origin: Olde English
Brooks Variations:
Famous Brooks':
Brooks Laich
Brooks Reid
Brooks Robinson
Name Meaning Brooks Brooks Name Meaning Baby Name Meaning Brooks Brooks Baby Name Meaning

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Baby Name Roulette


One living near a brook or stream.


Gender: Male
Pronounced: BRUWKS
Origin: Olde English

Brooks traces back to olde English as a surname Brook, denoting a person living near a brook or a stream. Brooks is fairly uncommon as a name choice in North America however, with a number of professional athletes sharing the name, it might just be the ideal sporty name for a future athlete.

Brooks Variations:
Famous Brooks':
Brooks Laich
Brooks Reid
Brooks Robinson

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