The Barry baby name meaning is evolved of evolved of Gaelic Celtic tradition as a strong, masculine name typically for a son meaning fair-haired or spear. As a name for a son, Barry endured as a relatively modern name throughout the mid-twentieth century as a choice of expectant parents, however, it has decline considerably since that time. An alternate spelling of Barry is the considerably less popular Barrie, which is most often also a given name choice for a son.
The Barry baby name meaning is evolved of evolved of Gaelic Celtic tradition as a strong, masculine name typically for a son meaning fair-haired or spear. As a name for a son, Barry endured as a relatively modern name throughout the mid-twentieth century as a choice of expectant parents, however, it has decline considerably since that time. An alternate spelling of Barry is the considerably less popular Barrie, which is most often also a given name choice for a son.
The Barry baby name meaning is evolved of evolved of Gaelic Celtic tradition as a strong, masculine name typically for a son meaning fair-haired or spear. As a name for a son, Barry endured as a relatively modern name throughout the mid-twentieth century as a choice of expectant parents, however, it has decline considerably since that time. An alternate spelling of Barry is the considerably less popular Barrie, which is most often also a given name choice for a son.
The Barry baby name meaning is evolved of evolved of Gaelic Celtic tradition as a strong, masculine name typically for a son meaning fair-haired or spear. As a name for a son, Barry endured as a relatively modern name throughout the mid-twentieth century as a choice of expectant parents, however, it has decline considerably since that time. An alternate spelling of Barry is the considerably less popular Barrie, which is most often also a given name choice for a son.