Vanessa has a storied history, believed invented by writer Jonathan Swift as a pseudonym for a student under his tutelage and characterized in Gulliver's Travels. Vanessa is also possibly originates of ancient Greece, meaning "butterfly". Vanessa has remained popular as a girl's name through centuries.
Vanessa has a storied history, believed invented by writer Jonathan Swift as a pseudonym for a student under his tutelage and characterized in Gulliver's Travels. Vanessa is also possibly originates of ancient Greece, meaning "butterfly". Vanessa has remained popular as a girl's name through centuries.
Vanessa has a storied history, believed invented by writer Jonathan Swift as a pseudonym for a student under his tutelage and characterized in Gulliver's Travels. Vanessa is also possibly originates of ancient Greece, meaning "butterfly". Vanessa has remained popular as a girl's name through centuries.
Vanessa has a storied history, believed invented by writer Jonathan Swift as a pseudonym for a student under his tutelage and characterized in Gulliver's Travels. Vanessa is also possibly originates of ancient Greece, meaning "butterfly". Vanessa has remained popular as a girl's name through centuries.