Conner or Connor originates of Gaelic Celtic, meaning "hound or wolf lover", "wolf kin", or "lover of hounds". A name for a son, Conner is a variant of Conchobhar, legendary king of Ulser. Conner is also another name for the bergall, a saltwater fish of the western Atlantic, considered by some to be a delicacy.
Conner or Connor originates of Gaelic Celtic, meaning "hound or wolf lover", "wolf kin", or "lover of hounds". A name for a son, Conner is a variant of Conchobhar, legendary king of Ulser. Conner is also another name for the bergall, a saltwater fish of the western Atlantic, considered by some to be a delicacy.
Conner or Connor originates of Gaelic Celtic, meaning "hound or wolf lover", "wolf kin", or "lover of hounds". A name for a son, Conner is a variant of Conchobhar, legendary king of Ulser. Conner is also another name for the bergall, a saltwater fish of the western Atlantic, considered by some to be a delicacy.
Conner or Connor originates of Gaelic Celtic, meaning "hound or wolf lover", "wolf kin", or "lover of hounds". A name for a son, Conner is a variant of Conchobhar, legendary king of Ulser. Conner is also another name for the bergall, a saltwater fish of the western Atlantic, considered by some to be a delicacy.