Baby Name Roulette - Pierce

Pierce originates of Greece from the word “pétros” and means "rock". Pierce is a variant of Piers and it was also borne in the New Testament of the Bible. Although it was not widely used by the late 19th and early 20th century, by the 1940s the name became very popular as a choice for a son, along with Piers.

Pierce Name Meaning: Rock. Stone.
Gender: Male
Pronounced: PEERSE
Origin: Ancient Greece
Pierce Variations: Pearce / Piers
Famous Pierces:
Pierce Brosnan
Pierce Brodkorb
Pierce Pettis
Name Meaning Pierce Pierce Name Meaning Baby Name Meaning Pierce Pierce Baby Name Meaning

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Baby Name Roulette


Rock. Stone.


Gender: Male
Pronounced: PEERSE
Origin: Ancient Greece

Pierce originates of Greece from the word “pétros” and means "rock". Pierce is a variant of Piers and it was also borne in the New Testament of the Bible. Although it was not widely used by the late 19th and early 20th century, by the 1940s the name became very popular as a choice for a son, along with Piers.

Pierce Variations:
Pearce / Piers
Famous Pierces:
Pierce Brosnan
Pierce Brodkorb
Pierce Pettis

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