Trinity is English origin of Latin "trinitas", meaning "three" or "triad". A girl's name, the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity refers to one God of three persons: the Father, the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Not a common name, Trinitiy was popularized with the The Matrix movie franchise, itself a trinity.
Trinity is English origin of Latin "trinitas", meaning "three" or "triad". A girl's name, the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity refers to one God of three persons: the Father, the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Not a common name, Trinitiy was popularized with the The Matrix movie franchise, itself a trinity.
Trinity is English origin of Latin "trinitas", meaning "three" or "triad". A girl's name, the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity refers to one God of three persons: the Father, the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Not a common name, Trinitiy was popularized with the The Matrix movie franchise, itself a trinity.
Trinity is English origin of Latin "trinitas", meaning "three" or "triad". A girl's name, the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity refers to one God of three persons: the Father, the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Not a common name, Trinitiy was popularized with the The Matrix movie franchise, itself a trinity.