Amy is English from the French Aimée and popular since the 18th century meaning "beloved" or "friend", not surprising, given the meaning of the French "ami" is friend. Amy was a particularly popular baby name in the late 19th century following the release of Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women".
Amy is English from the French Aimée and popular since the 18th century meaning "beloved" or "friend", not surprising, given the meaning of the French "ami" is friend. Amy was a particularly popular baby name in the late 19th century following the release of Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women".
Amy is English from the French Aimée and popular since the 18th century meaning "beloved" or "friend", not surprising, given the meaning of the French "ami" is friend. Amy was a particularly popular baby name in the late 19th century following the release of Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women".
Amy is English from the French Aimée and popular since the 18th century meaning "beloved" or "friend", not surprising, given the meaning of the French "ami" is friend. Amy was a particularly popular baby name in the late 19th century following the release of Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women".