Baby Name Roulette - Magalie

Magalie is a sobriquet of Margaret from French and Spanish and originates of Greece. Derived of "Magali", its meaning is that of "pearl". While not particularly popular in English-speaking cultures, Magali continues as a name choice for a daughter to current day in French and Spanish speaking cultures of Europe.

Magalie Name Meaning: Pearl.
Gender: Female
Pronounced: MAH-gah-lee
Origin: Greek / French / Spanish
Magalie Variations: Magali
Famous Magalies:
BMX Racing
Magalie Porter
Magalie Vaé
Name Meaning Magalie Magalie Name Meaning Baby Name Meaning Magalie Magalie Baby Name Meaning

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Baby Name Roulette




Gender: Female
Pronounced: MAH-gah-lee
Origin: Greek / French / Spanish

Magalie is a sobriquet of Margaret from French and Spanish and originates of Greece. Derived of "Magali", its meaning is that of "pearl". While not particularly popular in English-speaking cultures, Magali continues as a name choice for a daughter to current day in French and Spanish speaking cultures of Europe.

Magalie Variations:
Famous Magalies:
BMX Racing
Magalie Porter
Magalie Vaé

Baby Names By Letter: