Baby Name Roulette - Peyton

Of Olde English origin, Payton is a placename evolved to a family name Peyton meaning "Pæga's settlement", a rustic land village or hamlet. From Gaelic Celtic, Payton is thought derived of the Latin "Patricus", a designation of royalty or nobility. Both Peyton and Payton have evolved as given names in modern times.

Peyton Name Meaning: Fighting man's estate.
Gender: Unisex
Pronounced: PAYE-ten
Origin: Olde English
Peyton Variations: Payton
Famous Peytons:
Track & Field
Payton Jordon
Peyton Manning
Peyton Meyer
Name Meaning Peyton Peyton Name Meaning Baby Name Meaning Peyton Peyton Baby Name Meaning

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Baby Name Roulette


Fighting man's estate.


Gender: Unisex
Pronounced: PAYE-ten
Origin: Olde English

Of Olde English origin, Payton is a placename evolved to a family name Peyton meaning "Pæga's settlement", a rustic land village or hamlet. From Gaelic Celtic, Payton is thought derived of the Latin "Patricus", a designation of royalty or nobility. Both Peyton and Payton have evolved as given names in modern times.

Peyton Variations:
Famous Peytons:
Track & Field
Payton Jordon
Peyton Manning
Peyton Meyer

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